Friday, September 17, 2010

I hold bought a webcam today and i want to install the webcam but.?

I enjoy bought a webcam today and i have to install the webcam using the disc provided with the webcam but i hold put the webcam CD into my cd drive consequently nothing comes up it is intended to load the installation entity but nothing come up it didnt autorun please help!

I hold bought a webcam today and i want to install the webcam but.?

OK so first of adjectives try going to run then click browse afterwards look in your disc Drive and inside if the CD is inserted in attendance should be a setup.exe file within there. If that doesn't work, type the label of the webcam you have on google and after the identify write driver and find a website that you can download your specific webcam's driver from. after you download the driver, install it and your webcam should work after that!

Hope that works!

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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