Friday, September 17, 2010

I own a problem near my ION USB Turntable. Can anybody give support to?

The turntable is connected up and working. The AUDACITY software have been installed and the preferences set to allow the nouns to play out on the computer. However, not only is here no sound playing out, but installing and configuring the software have somehow disabled all nouns (even the Windows jingle). I have done a System Restore to find my sound vertebrae, but I really do want to get this USB turntable working. Does anybody owning such a turntable own any ideas? My audio comes through a Realtek AC97 if that help.

I own a problem near my ION USB Turntable. Can anybody give support to?

i ran into similar problems next to my sound card. i enabled something surrounded by the audio preferences to allow multi streaming playback or recording or something on the realtek card and it seem to disable certain sounds and simply make things not work right, budge here to make sure your drivers are up to date, once re-installed, you should be capable of use the stereo mix function correctly in audacity.

The answers post by the user, for information lone, does not guarantee the right.

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